Meet Arturo & Mattie

A video message from Arturo & Mattie

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A Letter from Arturo & Mattie

Hello from sunny Florida! Thank you for taking the time to learn about us. We are a family of three and are thrilled to grow our family through adoption. We love being parents and get so excited when we think about the possibility of another child in our lives. We have so much love for our next child already. If you would like to stay connected, we are open to whatever level you are most comfortable. 

¡Hola desde el soleado estado de la Florida! Gracias por tomarse el tiempo para aprender sobre nosotros. Somos una familia de tres y estamos muy emocionados de poder darle un hermanito o hermanita a nuestra hija a través de la adopción. Nos encantaría ser padres nuevamente y nos emocionamos mucho cuando pensamos en la posibilidad de otro hijo/a en nuestras vidas. Desde ya sentimos mucho amor por nuestro próximo hijo/a. Si desea mantener contacto, estamos abiertos e el nivel que usted se sienta más cómoda.


About Us

We have been married for six years and we have a beautiful and sweet three-year-old daughter named Catalina. Every day we do our best to raise her to know and love God, and to be kind, confident, and courageous, and we look forward to doing the same for our next child.  Some fun things we like to do together include going on walks, playing outside, outdoor adventures, spending time with family and friends, attending church, going to theme parks and movie nights. We also enjoy cozy evenings with a home-cooked meal.  We’re excited to share all of our adventures and favorite things with your child while helping them discover their God-given talents, interests and passions!

About Mattie (By Arturo)

Mattie is an amazing mother and my best friend. She’s somebody God put in my life at just the right time. She’s loyal and dependable. She’s motivated to serve and would rather please others than herself. She shows great virtue in being self-sacrificing, and you can see it in how she goes above and beyond for our daughter, Catalina. She loves peace, harmony and consistency. She brings structure to our home life. I love how she’s a homebody and does a fantastic job making our home feel welcome and full of life and peace. She’s an amazing cook, always looking to try out new recipes. She’s also an animal lover. In her free time, she enjoys reading inspirational books and biographies about the saints. She cannot wait to share her love of cooking, baking, outdoor exploration, reading, and all of the family traditions with our new addition. I know she’ll be a great mother to any child we adopt. 


About Arturo (By Mattie)

Arturo is kind, hardworking, and has a great sense of humor. He is a great provider and protector of our family. He knows who he is and what he wants, and puts Christ at the center of all that he does. The thing I most admire about Arturo is his love for me and our daughter. He puts us first every day. He’s never tired or too busy for family. He enjoys grilling out, fishing, reading, and fixing anything broken. He’s looking forward to sharing with our next child his love for God and how to ride a bike and fish. He is wonderful with children and has been a great Dad to our daughter, and I feel blessed that I get to call him husband.




Our Daughter and Extended Family

Our daughter, Catalina, is an adventurous, brave and creative 3-year-old. Every day with her is an adventure. She loves to visit the library, zoo and parks. Catalina is full of joy; she loves to sing, dance, play and spend time with her toddler cousins when we visit Grandma. She is excitedly waiting for her new brother or sister and cannot wait to share all of her toys.

Both of our families are thrilled to welcome another child through adoption. Mattie’s parents live across the street from us and Arturo’s parents, our siblings, and friends that we consider family, are all within 15 minutes from us. We have two toddler nieces and two toddler nephews. Our daughter loves to spend time with them; they are Catalina’s best friends. We have close contact with them, we see them once a week and never pass up a chance to spend time together. Your child will have lots of little cousins, aunts, uncles, and grandparents to share their love and support with your child.


Our Home in Florida

We live in a three-bedroom home in a welcoming, family-friendly neighborhood. We live within walking distance to the local library, parks, several bike riding trails and so much more. We live within one hour from the beach, zoo, museums and theme parks (our daughter’s current favorite, Peppa Pig) which we visit as often as possible. We have a great backyard for outdoor fun with a high fence. 

Our dog, Bingo, is a one-year-old Beagle. He loves to spend time with us playing outside and going on family walks. He is extremely loving and gentle with our daughter. We love having him in our family.


Our Promise

As parents, we promise to teach the same values to your child as we ourselves believe in. We will love them with all of our hearts and give them a home full of love, laughter, prayer, and structure. We promise to support them, pray for them and offer them all of the possibilities that we can, and teach them the value of hard work. We will always speak openly and positively about you, so they know about you and their adoption story. Adoption will forever be a part of our story, and we value the gift that you and God are entrusting us with.

We are open to keeping in touch with you after the adoption, if you’d like that. Thank you for taking the time to learn more about our family.

We’d love to talk or answer any of your questions. Please call or text Lifetime at 1.800.923.6784.

-Love Arturo & Mattie



Como padres, prometemos enseñarle a su hijo los mismos valores en los que nosotros creemos. Los amaremos con todo nuestro corazón y les daremos un hogar lleno de amor, risas, oración y estructura. Prometemos apoyarlos, orar por ellos y ofrecerles todas las posibilidades que podamos y enseñarles el valor del trabajo. Siempre hablaremos abierta y positivamente sobre usted, para que ellos sepan sobre usted y su historia de adopción. La adopción siempre será parte de nuestra historia y valoramos el regalo que usted y Dios nos están confiando.

Estamos abiertos a cualquier tipo de contacto que usted  se sienta cómoda. Gracias por tomarse el tiempo para aprender más sobre nuestra familia.

Nos encantaría hablar o responder cualquiera de sus preguntas. Llame o envíe un mensaje de texto a Lifetime al 1.800.923.6784.

-Arturo y Mattie


Learn More About Arturo & Mattie

  Arturo Mattie
Our EducationBachelor's in Architecture and DesignAssociates
Our ProfessionsConstruction Management Stay-at-Home Mom
Our Racial BackgroundHispanicHispanic
Some of Arturo & Mattie's Favorites
FoodMexican FoodChicken Quesadillas
PodcastBible In a Year Podcast with Fr. Mike SchmitzGirlfriends
Vacation DestinationGatlinburg, Teneessee Bernal, Mexico
More About Our Family
Our Favorite Time as a Family

Bedtime! We all look forward to the sweet time of the day we have together as a family right before bed. After eating dinner we love to get comfy, reading story books, talking about our day, singing songs, and saying a family prayer.

Our Faith

Our faith in our family begins with trusting our Heavenly Father and His promises. We press forward despite challenges, and never give up on each other. We put God first in all decisions and encourage each other’s faith journey. We always pray before meals and also pray together on long trips, and especially before bedtime. Our daughter has children's Bibles and books focused on scripture and our Catholic tradition. Our daughter will be going to a Catholic school, pre-school-8th grade. Education is extremely important to us; we are fortunate we are near a Catholic school with a great system where our daughter and future child will be able to thri ve academically and spiritually.
We strive to grow in virtue and teach our daughter by example to do the same, and will continue to do so with our next child as well.

Why Adoption?

Before we got married, we dreamed of a big family. We got married and the reality was different; after a miscarriage and treatments, finally God granted us the miracle of having a beautiful baby girl. For Mattie's well-being, our doctor recommended that we not get pregnant again. We decided to adopt because our biggest wish is to grow our family, and we want our daughter to grow up with a little brother or sister; someone who will teach her to share, play and most importantly the love of a forever sibling.
Adoption – because family isn’t made from blood, it’s made from love.

Friends say we are...


We Prefer a Child Who Is...
Age of Child

Newborn-12 months




Either Gender

Sibling Group

Yes, with oldest up to 4 years old

In Closing

Thank you for taking the time to learn more about our family. We are excited to welcome your child into our home. We want you to know from the bottom of our hearts that we and our family are already so in love with our next child and can't wait to start this journey!

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